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Tooth abscess is a common medical condition that affects many people and causes annoying pain and serious health problems if not treated properly, and a tooth abscess is the result of germs and bacteria collecting in the tooth roots, leading to inflammation and swelling in the surrounding tissues.
In this article, we will explore tooth abscess and the treatment steps available and we will also discuss the importance of preventing this condition and the best ways to maintain overall oral and dental health.
What is a tooth abscess
A tooth abscess appears in the mouth as a result of the accumulation of germs and bacteria inside or around the tooth roots, leading to painful swelling in the area surrounding the affected tooth and the reason for this is bacteria that has struck the mouth and is growing in the tissues surrounding the tooth.
The bacteria may be caused by tooth decay, gingivitis, or another infection and the pain associated with a tooth abscess can be severe, and the swelling and inflammation may increase over time, as treating a tooth abscess usually requires cleaning the roots and eliminating infections in the infected tissue, as severe cases may require surgery.
It is very important to deal with a tooth abscess quickly, as delay in treatment can lead to more serious complications such as the spread of infection to the tissues surrounding the jaw and even to other places in the body.

Causes of tooth abscess
There are many causes that lead to tooth abscesses, such as:
Tooth decay: Caries that reach the dental pulp may lead to the formation of an abscess in the tooth root as a result of bacterial infection.
Gingivitis: Excessive accumulation of bacteria and food deposits around the gums may cause inflammation that sometimes leads to the formation of abscesses.
Tooth injury: Direct injuries to teeth can cause them to break or become misshapen, opening the way for infection and the formation of abscesses.
Unsuccessful root surgeries: Problems may occur after dental root surgeries, leading to the formation of abscesses as a result of bacteria leaking or not completely removing the tooth roots.
Pulp stones: Pulp stones form inside the root canals and lead to infections and abscesses in the teeth.
Symptoms of tooth abscess
Severe pain: Pain can be present continuously or intermittently and the pain can increase when chewing food or touching the affected tooth.
Swelling: There may be swelling of the gums or tissue surrounding the affected tooth as a result of inflammation and fluid accumulation.
Swollen lymph nodes: Swollen lymph nodes in the neck or jaw may occur as a result of a systemic reaction to the infection.
Sensitivity to pressure: The affected person may feel sensitivity or pain when touching or pressing the affected tooth.
Bad breath: Bad breath may result from the accumulation of bacteria in the affected area.
Facial swelling: In severe cases of abscess, visible swelling of the face may result.
Intraoral secretions: The affected person may notice purulent or bloody secretions coming out of the affected tooth.
Symptoms resulting from neglecting a tooth abscess and not treating it
Negative effects of ignoring treatment for a tooth abscess may include:
Spread of infection: By ignoring a tooth abscess, the infection can spread to the tissues surrounding the tooth and even to other parts of the body, increasing the severity of the condition.
Increasing pain: The pain may gradually increase as the infection progresses, and the pain may become unbearable, affecting the quality of life of the infected person.
Damage to the tissues surrounding the tooth: The accumulation of bacteria and infection may lead to damage to the tissues surrounding the tooth, and in severe cases this may require surgical procedures to remove the damaged tissue.
Deterioration of the general state of health: A persistent infection that causes a tooth abscess may lead to a deterioration in the general state of health and increase the risk of developing other health problems.
Increased cost of treatment: By ignoring treatment for a tooth abscess, the complexity of the condition may increase, necessitating more expensive and complex treatments.
All methods of treating tooth abscess
There are several treatments available for tooth abscess, including home remedies and medical treatments that can be provided by a dentist and among these treatments:
Taking antibiotics: Doctors can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and prevent it from spreading if the abscess is accompanied by severe swelling and inflammation.
Abscess drainage: If there is an abscess filled with pus, the dentist may open the abscess to drain the pus and relieve pain.
Drug treatment: Anti-inflammatory medications and analgesics may be prescribed to help relieve the pain and swelling associated with a tooth abscess.